Get started on | Cloud Academy Blog Fri, 29 Sep 2023 17:07:36 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Tech Employee Off-Boarding: A Comprehensive Checklist for HR Leaders Fri, 29 Sep 2023 12:39:37 +0000 Tech employee offboarding – an essential process that often doesn’t get the attention it deserves. So, what exactly is an offboarding checklist, and why is it so crucial for L&D? Let’s break it down! What is an offboarding checklist?  You know the drill: one of your talented tech team members...

The post Tech Employee Off-Boarding: A Comprehensive Checklist for HR Leaders appeared first on Cloud Academy.

Tech employee offboarding – an essential process that often doesn’t get the attention it deserves. So, what exactly is an offboarding checklist, and why is it so crucial for L&D? Let’s break it down!

What is an offboarding checklist? 

You know the drill: one of your talented tech team members has decided to move on to new adventures. While it may be a loss to your organization, it’s essential to ensure a smooth transition for everyone involved. That’s where tech employee offboarding comes into play.

In a nutshell, an offboarding checklist is a comprehensive to-do list that outlines all the necessary steps to be taken when an employee leaves the company. For Learning and Development (L&D) professionals like you, it’s a game changer, as it helps tie up loose ends and contributes to the continued growth and development of both departing and remaining team members.

Fill out the form to download the full tech offboarding checklist!

The cost of tech talent turnover

You know the importance of having a skilled and talented tech team. They’re the engine that powers innovation and keeps the organization running. But here’s the thing – losing, even just one, of these tech-savvy geniuses can cost you a pretty penny, and we’re not just talking about recruitment. 

Let’s say, Alice, who’s been with your company for years, slaying code like it’s nobody’s business, decides to hand in her letter of resignation, and just like that, your tech dream team is down one exceptional player. Cue the costs!

First, there’s the recruitment expense. Finding a tech-savvy replacement for Alice isn’t going to be easy. You’ve got to advertise the position, sort through countless resumes, and conduct interviews that eat up precious time. Not to mention, you may need to seek help from pricey recruitment agencies to widen the talent pool. Research shows that the average cost to recruit a new employee can be upwards of $28,000. This does not include the 4.5% increase companies will pay for salaries and wages due to inflation and employee demands for higher pay.

But the hiring process is only half the story. When you finally find someone to fill Alice’s shoes, there’s the onboarding phase. New hires need to get up to speed with the company’s systems, processes, and team dynamics. And let’s face it – it will take time for a newbie to match Alice’s level of expertise.

But here’s where L&D enters the picture. Learning and Development has to work its magic to bridge the knowledge gap for the new team member and ensure he/she becomes productive as soon as possible. This means investing time and resources in training programs and mentoring.

But wait, there’s more! As a tech prodigy, Alice had invaluable insights and domain knowledge that she passed on to her colleagues over the years. Now that she’s gone, all that knowledge goes with her, and it’s not like she left a step-by-step guide for her replacement. The loss of institutional knowledge is a hidden cost that often goes unnoticed.

Why do I need an offboarding checklist for my IT department?

Offboarding tech employees is a collaborative effort that typically requires Human Resources and IT to work in tandem to revoke access to company systems (this is especially important for IT and security staff), recover equipment, conduct exit interviews, and help departing employees exit on a good note. 

A solid checklist will provide the assurance that you have dealt with every component of the offboarding process, which can help to mitigate risk along the way. 

Let’s explore some of the reasons why this checklist is vital when offboarding tech employees: 

  1. Knowledge Transfer: When a tech employee departs, they often take with them a wealth of specialized knowledge and skills. An offboarding checklist ensures that this knowledge is properly documented and transferred to their colleagues or successors. It enables you to create knowledge repositories and facilitates seamless knowledge sharing, minimizing the impact of their departure on team performance.
  2. Identifying Skill Gaps: Going through the offboarding checklist gives you an opportunity to assess the skills and expertise that will be missing from the team after the employee’s departure. This insight helps you identify skill gaps within the team, allowing you to plan targeted training and development programs to address those areas and maintain a high level of proficiency.
  3. Employee Feedback: Exit interviews are a key component of the offboarding process. They provide a platform for departing employees to share their honest feedback about their experiences, the organization’s culture, and potential areas for improvement. As a Learning and Development professional, this feedback can be invaluable in refining training programs, fostering a better work environment, and enhancing employee retention strategies.
  4. Enhancing Succession Planning: Through the offboarding checklist, you can identify potential successors within the team or elsewhere in the organization. Succession planning is crucial for ensuring a smooth transition of responsibilities and preventing any adverse effects on projects or team productivity.
  5. Preserving Relationships: Offboarding isn’t just about cutting ties; it’s also about maintaining connections. When employees leave on a positive note, they may become brand advocates or even return to the organization in the future. By providing a well-structured offboarding experience, you create a lasting impression that can have positive ramifications for your employer brand.
  6. Legal and Security Compliance: With data breaches and security concerns on the rise, it’s essential to safeguard sensitive company information during an employee’s departure. The offboarding checklist includes steps to revoke access to systems, recover company-owned devices, and ensure compliance with legal and security protocols.

Technical staff off-boarding steps

Off-boarding technical staff is an important process to ensure a smooth transition and maintain data security. Here’s a list of steps to consider for technical staff offboarding:

Schedule and exit meeting

Plan a meeting with the departing staff member to discuss the offboarding process, collect equipment, and address any concerns they might have.

Notify IT and HR departments

Inform the IT and HR Teams about the staff member’s departure date and offboarding requirements.

Account Access Review:

Conduct an audit of the staff member’s access to company systems, applications, and databases. Remove or restrict access to sensitive information and ensure only relevant access remains.

Remember, each off-boarding situation may have unique requirements, so be sure to tailor the process to meet individual needs while adhering to company policies and data security guidelines.

To access the complete tech employee off-boarding checklist, complete the form above.

To find out more about our courses, labs, and exams, request a free demo now. 

The post Tech Employee Off-Boarding: A Comprehensive Checklist for HR Leaders appeared first on Cloud Academy.

The Tech Employee Onboarding Checklist: A Template for HR Leaders Fri, 08 Sep 2023 05:40:00 +0000 In this blog post, we'll explore why effective onboarding for new tech hires is not just an option but a strategic imperative, and provide a comprehensive onboarding checklist to help you properly bring your new hires into the fold.

The post The Tech Employee Onboarding Checklist: A Template for HR Leaders appeared first on Cloud Academy.

The success of your organization hinges on the capabilities and creativity of your tech team. But how do you ensure that these new tech hires hit the ground running and become valuable contributors from day one? The answer lies in the often-underestimated process of onboarding. 

In this blog post, we’ll explore why effective onboarding for new tech hires is not just an option but a strategic imperative, and provide a comprehensive onboarding checklist to help you properly bring your new hires into the fold.

Fill out the form to download the full tech onboarding checklist!

The tech talent war

Before we get into the importance of onboarding, let’s set the stage by acknowledging the fierce competition for tech talent. It’s a battlefield out there, and tech professionals are the sought-after warriors. Companies of all sizes are vying for the same pool of skilled tech workers, making it vital to not only attract but also retain skilled technical staff.

Given this context, HR leaders must understand that simply recruiting tech talent is not enough. To truly benefit from their skills and knowledge, you need a robust onboarding process in place.

For more information on the tech talent shortage read our blog post, The Tech Talent Shortage: Everything You Need to Know

What’s an onboarding checklist?

A tech onboarding checklist is a step-by-step guide that outlines the necessary tasks, activities, and information that need to be completed and provided during the onboarding process.

This roadmap of sorts can help an HR team stay organized and on task, ensuring that no important steps are overlooked. It covers everything from paperwork and equipment setup to introductions, training, and performance expectations.

Research shows that 76% of professionals feel that onboarding is underutilized in their organizations. This is a pretty jarring stat considering the competitive advantage a positive onboarding experience can bring.

By following a tech onboarding checklist, HR professionals can provide new tech employees with a structured and well-planned onboarding experience, setting them up for success in their new roles.

Tech industry onboarding costs

Tech onboarding costs can vary depending on several factors, including the size of the company, the complexity of the role, and the location of the hire. Some common expenses associated with onboarding tech talent include recruitment costs, training and development programs, equipment and software setup, and ongoing support and mentoring.

Why do I need an onboarding checklist for my IT department?

Onboarding new employees in IT can be a complex process. This is why having an onboarding checklist specifically tailored for the IT department is essential.

A formal onboarding process helps new hires:

  • Familiarize themselves with the hardware and software they’ll be using
  • Set up corporate accounts
  • Learn and follow security guidelines
  • Feel confident they have the tools to get their work done

The checklist provides a structured and organized approach to onboarding, making the process smoother and more efficient for both HR professionals and new hires. 

How to onboard your new tech talent?

Because every tech job comes with its own nuances, the learning curve can be steep for even the savviest of new tech hires. Therefore, an effective onboarding process should:

  • Introduce technologies, tools, and workflows used on the job.
  • Build community, belonging, and team cohesion.
  • Outline the mission, values, and history of the organization.

Here are some steps that can be implemented every time a new tech employee joins the business:

Pre-onboarding activities

Take these steps to make sure everything is in place before the new employees start their first day.

1. Review the new hire’s background and job description: Familiarize yourself with the new hire’s skills, experience, and job responsibilities. This will help you tailor their onboarding experience to their specific needs and ensure they have the resources they need to succeed.

2. Prepare necessary paperwork: Ensure that all required paperwork, such as tax forms, employment contracts, and confidentiality agreements, are ready for the new hire to complete on their first day. This will save time and streamline the onboarding process.

3. Set up workstations and equipment: Make sure the new employee’s workstation is set up and ready for their arrival. This includes providing them with a computer, software, and any other tools or equipment they may need to perform their job.

4. Coordinate with IT: Work with the IT department to ensure that the new employee’s email, network access, and any necessary software or systems are set up and ready for use.

5. Communicate with the team: Inform the existing team members about the new hire’s start date and role. Encourage them to reach out and welcome the new employee, fostering a sense of community and support.

Remember, onboarding is so much more than policies and paperwork; it’s about acclimating and integrating new hires, so they feel prepared, supported, and connected within your organization. By committing to a positive onboarding experience, you are setting new team members up for long-term success. From improved loyalty to increased productivity, the best onboarding experiences pay high dividends.

(Bonus) How to onboard a new tech employee remotely

Remote onboarding for tech staff has become increasingly common.  And while it may present some unique challenges, a solid onboarding program can be easily tailored to meet the needs of a remote, or hybrid workforce. 

Communication is key

When it comes to your remote workforce, communication is everything. In addition to your standard onboarding procedures, make sure to schedule virtual meetings and video calls to introduce new tech hires to their team members and key stakeholders. Use video conferencing tools to conduct face-to-face introductions and provide opportunities for team members to share their roles and responsibilities. This will help the new employee build relationships and establish connections with their colleagues.

Provide detailed documentation

Additionally, provide comprehensive documentation and resources to support the new tech employee’s learning and development. This could include online training modules, video tutorials, or access to a knowledge base. Encourage them to reach out with any questions or concerns and ensure that they have a designated point of contact for ongoing support and guidance.

Establish clear goals

It is also important to set clear expectations and goals for the new tech employee’s role. Provide them with a detailed job description and performance metrics, and schedule regular check-ins to provide feedback and assess their progress. This will help them stay on track and aligned with the company’s goals and expectations.

Encourage community

Lastly, create opportunities for the new tech employee to socialize and connect with their colleagues, even in a remote setting. Consider organizing virtual team-building activities, online happy hours, or chat channels for casual conversations. This will help foster a sense of belonging and community, even when working from different locations.

To sum it up

Remote onboarding for tech staff requires careful planning and coordination. By leveraging technology, providing clear communication and support, and creating opportunities for connection and collaboration, you can successfully onboard new tech employees and set them up for long-term success in their remote roles.

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The post The Tech Employee Onboarding Checklist: A Template for HR Leaders appeared first on Cloud Academy.

How to Hire Tech Talent: 4 Easy Steps Wed, 26 Jul 2023 14:30:00 +0000 Here are four tips to help you move beyond the veil of the resume and find the right technical talent for your business.

The post How to Hire Tech Talent: 4 Easy Steps appeared first on Cloud Academy.

Hiring tech talent is increasingly challenging. The prevalence of digital transformation has increased significantly over the past decade, creating a heightened need for skilled labor. And with the recent barrage of pink slips coming out of Silicon Valley, and shiny startups going from boom to bust, companies across all industries have an unprecedented opportunity to hire the tech talent they’ve been looking for to meet those key business objectives.

The Harvard Business Review agrees. Here’s what they’re saying:

Right now, companies have a can’t-miss opportunity to ramp up their cloud ambitions: as tech companies limit head-count and eliminate programs, top talent — not just the bottom 20% performers — are coming on the job market. While many of them are being snapped up quickly, companies should think through how to move quickly when cloud talent becomes available so they can take a big step forward in their cloud capabilities.”

Simply put, now is the time to hire technical talent, upgrade technical capabilities, and future-proof your organization. 

But what skills will the ex-Googlers and ex-Meta actually bring to the table? And with competition high and resources low, how do you attract the best-of-the-best in your market — and more importantly, how do you make them stay?

For practical advice on how to build the tech team of your dreams even during a tech talent shortage, check out our recent post, how to attract top tech talent.  In it we offer a step-by-step strategy with actionable tips to help you attract the talent your business needs.

Here are four steps to help you hire the best job-ready tech talent. For the complete free guide click the link below!

# 1 – What skills do you need? Assess your team

First-things-first, in order to hire the tech talent you want, you need to assess your team’s strengths and weaknesses. The goal is to understand your team’s skill gaps and what you need in a potential candidate to fill them. 

To do this, you will need to directly observe your staff and survey their skill readiness. To get a real sense of your staff’s skills you can use skills assessments. Cloud Academy  offers both hands-on labs and quizzes/exams. Assessments like these can help you to not only define your hiring goals, but also create a skills profile/map for every individual and team.

# 2 – Empower your recruiter for success

As the hiring manager, you will always have the best understanding of what skills and talent you need. But by outlining key requirements of the role, you can empower your recruiters to effectively find and screen candidates that meet your qualifications.  

Information such as skills and certifications, work methodologies, and technology stack, as well as timelines and budget are just some of the details that you can provide to help your recruiter be successful when targeting top tech talent.

# 3 – Test and select your candidates

Now that you have sourced the best talent pool for your business, it’s time to assess them. Pre-employment testing can help to quickly identify talented employees who have the right aptitude to succeed on the job.

There are a plethora of platforms available to test tech talents on software programming and language skills. But, if you’re interested in testing cloud skills, the market is pretty thin. 

Fortunately, Cloud Academy’s pre-hire assessment tool can help you make the best call on a pool of candidates (or even consultants). We offer 250+ “lab challenges” that test practical skills in real cloud environments – including AWS, Azure, and GCP. If you’re considering our pre-hire assessment, you can check out this video for a real-time look at the experience.

# 4 – Maintain skill readiness

In this fast-moving cloud world, making the most of new and existing skill sets can really help your bottom line. While reskilling and upskilling do take time, it can help to increase productivity and efficiency. In fact, creating a culture of continuous learning is great for everyone involved! Skills readiness positively impacts project readiness, which is good for the team and the company.

Cloud Academy is the standout solution for actually validating skills, proving job-readiness, and connecting training to real business results. Take a look at some of our case studies to see how we’ve helped companies overcome the issues of time that training can present. 

Download the full guide!

Today’s tech environments are complex, and highly-skilled tech staff are vital to helping organizations thrive through that complexity and beyond. Hiring the right tech candidate is good for retention, team morale and performance, and budget. 

By being selective in your hiring process you can avoid quality issues that can result in reliability challenges, cutover issues, and the costly security breaches that can accompany a bad decision. For more on how to hire tech talent, including pre-hire checklists and sample business case letters, fill out the form below.

Get the full guide for free!

The post How to Hire Tech Talent: 4 Easy Steps appeared first on Cloud Academy.

How to Attract Top Tech Talent: A Full Guide Thu, 15 Jun 2023 13:30:00 +0000 With tech-enabled transformations on the rise, even non-tech companies are tech companies to some extent.  This is not so good news for tech businesses, who at one time only had to compete against each other for candidates. Today, non-tech industries are snatching up skilled tech talent left and right to...

The post How to Attract Top Tech Talent: A Full Guide appeared first on Cloud Academy.

With tech-enabled transformations on the rise, even non-tech companies are tech companies to some extent. 

This is not so good news for tech businesses, who at one time only had to compete against each other for candidates. Today, non-tech industries are snatching up skilled tech talent left and right to boost their productivity and efficiency game, and it’s been happening for a while. 

This shift to digital operations across all sectors has made attracting and retaining top talent a challenge. In a highly competitive economy, where the demand for skilled tech professionals continues to outpace the supply, companies may need to do some convincing to get skilled professionals to join and stay.

With Cloud Academy, you can get the skills you want to fill the roles you need. Learn how our customers are using the Cloud Academy platform to build tech skills training programs that scale and contact us for a free demo!

In this guide you will find practical advice to help you snag top industry talent. We will explore the current state of the tech talent shortage, common recruitment strategies, key factors that attract tech talent, and offer a step-by-step strategy with actionable tips. 

Additionally, we’ll discuss how Cloud Academy can help companies in attracting and retaining top talent through successful partnerships.

The tech talent shortage 

The U.S. tech talent shortage, at its core, it’s a simple matter of supply and demand. The acceleration of tech innovation, fueled by the rise of AI, machine learning, and IoT, is generating an ever-increasing demand for skilled tech professionals. However, the supply of such talent simply isn’t keeping pace. Several reasons underlie this.

The growing skill gap

Many business leaders have come to realize that the skills their organizations will need in the future are not the same ones they’ve required in the past. With the global digital transformation market projected to surpass $1.5 trillion in 2027, the need for skilled labor will only increase, and skill gaps will widen. To combat the issue, rather than to hire new people, many companies have turned to upskilling or reskilling existing employees to fill tech positions – elevating skills so workers can move up (or laterally) to fill in-demand positions.

High rates of turnover

McKinsey and Company said it best, “ The great attrition has become the great renegotiation.” Tech professionals are quitting in search of higher salaries, better benefits and growth opportunities. Companies everywhere are feeling the pressure as the inability to timely hire tech talent affects their bottom line. And beyond keeping the business from moving into new markets and growing profits, organizations are struggling to keep pace with the competition.

Outdated recruitment strategies

Many companies try to tackle current issues with antiquated methods: asking for referrals or outdated job postings. Today, almost half (45%) of companies still prioritize college degrees as a top factor for determining candidates’ skills, despite the fact that multiple studies have found they aren’t indicative of future performance. More than 90% of HR leaders are concerned that their recruitment and hiring methods will not be enough to fill their open tech roles.
With Cloud Academy, you can get the skills you want to fill the roles you need. Learn how our customers are using the Cloud Academy platform to build tech skills training programs that scale and contact us for a free demo! 

Ways tech companies try to attract tech talent

With a difficult labor market for tech talent, businesses are now challenged with hiring and retaining the best workers they can find. Tech companies once assumed that offering higher salaries and fluffy benefits would attract the right candidates. However, times have changed, and so have the needs and priorities of tech employees. Today’s candidates are in search of supportive work environments – opportunity, flexibility, and recognition are all elements of that. They’re not the only ones, however.

Other aspects that really matter include diversity and inclusion, which studies have found to be particularly important to attracting new talent. According to a recent study performed by Bain & Company, only 13% of companies feel they can attract and keep much needed tech talent.

What really attracts top tech talent?

The hiring process is just as much about the company selling itself to candidates, as it is about the candidate selling themselves to the company. To attract top tech talent, it’s important to focus on the factors that matter most to candidates, and how your organization can deliver on them.

Company culture

A strong culture that promotes teamwork, community, inclusivity, and demonstrates a passion for the mission and team, increases engagement exponentially. Companies with a robust culture have up to 72% higher employee engagement than those whose cultures are misaligned or need improvement.

We get that building a strong corporate culture is no easy feat, but it comes with a number of perks: It helps recruiters entice elite candidates and retain top talent. Not only that, but it has been shown to improve levels of employee engagement, productivity and performance. Happy employees, who are fulfilled in their roles, work harder and stick around.

Learning opportunities

Tech professionals thrive in environments that offer continuous learning and development. Highlight programs like mentorship, training budgets, and support for certifications. Show that your company is committed to investing in its employees’ professional growth. ​​Lack of opportunity and career growth is a common reason why good employees leave companies—and it’s key to attracting new talent. 

If you don’t have a solid program in place, build it now. Improve in-house training, reimburse for outside training and offer practical training opportunities to use new skills for real-world tasks. Support creative thinkers and give them room to grow.
Cloud Academy is a leading online training platform that offers a wide range of courses and learning paths in tech-related fields that are a benefit tech employees are looking for. Contact us and request a free demo to find out how Cloud Academy can help your company build a solid training program!

Work-life balance

Tech companies are known for offering uncommon company perks, like free lunch, pet-friendly environments, napping pods. However, today’s tech candidates aren’t interested in the ability to take naps during business hours. 

They want simpler benefits that support work-life balance and wellness. Benefits like unlimited PTO, mental health support, fitness and gym reimbursements, free childcare, tuition and educational reimbursements and generous parental leave, to name a few. Maintaining a healthy work-life balance is crucial for this bunch. So, be sure to showcase flexible work arrangements, remote work options, and initiatives promoting employee well-being.

6 Steps to attracting tech talent

#1 Build an Employer Brand

Craft a compelling employer brand that highlights your company’s unique value proposition. Showcase your company culture, mission, and values on your website and social media platforms.

#2 Optimize Job Descriptions

Write clear and concise job descriptions that accurately reflect the role’s responsibilities and requirements. Highlight the opportunities for growth and the impact candidates can make in your company.

#3 Leverage social media

Use social media platforms like LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook to promote your company culture, share employee success stories, and engage with the tech community. Actively participate in relevant discussions and showcase your company’s expertise.

#4 Embrace remote work

Consider offering remote work options to attract top talent beyond your local area. Remote work flexibility has become increasingly important to tech professionals and can expand your candidate pool.

#5 Create a positive candidate experience

Ensure that your recruitment process is efficient, transparent, and respectful. Communicate regularly with candidates and provide constructive feedback. A positive candidate experience helps build your company’s reputation.

#6 Offer competitive compensation and benefits

While small and medium-sized companies may not always match the compensation packages of larger corporations, it’s important to offer competitive salaries and benefits that align with industry standards. Consider other incentives like stock options or performance bonuses.

How Cloud Academy helps companies attract tech talent

Cloud Academy is a leading online training platform that offers a wide range of courses and learning paths in tech-related fields. Partnering with Cloud Academy can help tech companies attract and retain top talent in the following ways:

Upskilling and continuous learning

Cloud Academy provides comprehensive learning resources to help employees upskill and stay updated with the latest technologies. This contributes to a culture of continuous learning and development within your organization.

Certification and career advancement

Cloud Academy offers certification training, enabling employees to enhance their professional credentials. This benefits both the individual’s career advancement and the company’s reputation.

Cost-effective training solutions

Cloud Academy’s platform offers cost-effective training options for companies of all sizes. This allows small and medium-sized companies to provide quality training without breaking the budget.

With Cloud Academy, you can get the skills you want to fill the roles you need. Learn how our customers are using the Cloud Academy platform to build tech skills training programs that scale and contact us for a free demo!


What do tech employees care about most when considering a new job?

Tech employees prioritize factors such as company culture, learning opportunities, work-life balance, competitive compensation, and career growth potential.

Which tech talent roles are most in demand?

Some of the most in-demand tech talent roles included software engineers, data scientists, cybersecurity professionals, AI and machine learning specialists, and cloud architects.

How can companies grow their tech talent?

Companies can foster a culture of continuous learning and development by providing opportunities for upskilling and training. This can include offering internal training programs, mentorship initiatives, encouraging employees to attend conferences and webinars, and partnering with online training platforms like Cloud Academy to provide accessible and relevant learning resources.


Attracting top tech talent is a challenge for small and medium-sized tech companies, but with the right strategies and a focus on key factors that matter to candidates, it is achievable. By emphasizing company culture, learning opportunities, and work-life balance, while adopting a step-by-step recruitment strategy, HR managers can attract and retain the best tech talent for their organizations. Partnering with platforms like Cloud Academy can provide additional support in upskilling employees and fostering a culture of continuous learning, leading to long-term success in talent acquisition.

Fill out the form to request a demo and learn more about how we help companies go beyond training to onboard, upskill, reskill, and retain proven tech talent through our platform.

Fill out the form below and get a free demo!

The post How to Attract Top Tech Talent: A Full Guide appeared first on Cloud Academy.

How L&D Helps Meet Public Cloud Migration Goals Tue, 13 Jun 2023 22:14:03 +0000 Cloud migration begins with a solid L&D strategy that puts the right people, with the right skills, in place as your company innovates.

The post How L&D Helps Meet Public Cloud Migration Goals appeared first on Cloud Academy.

Advancing your organization towards cloud maturity requires more than just an investment in infrastructure and software. A successful cloud transformation really starts with a well-defined learning and development (L&D) strategy that ensures you have the right people, with the right skills, in place as your company grows, evolves, and innovates.

According to Gartner, more than 90 percent of businesses are engaged in some form of digital initiative, which means that tech leadership and their teams will become heavily reliant on the L&D function to help them develop skills that were not previously needed pre-transformation. 

If you are a professional services firm interested in landing in the cloud, here are some key considerations to help you meet your public cloud migration goals:

What is the public cloud?

Public cloud is a type of computing where resources are offered by a third-party provider via the public internet and shared by organizations and individuals who want to use or purchase them via subscription or pay-per-usage pricing models.

Deloitte estimates that roughly 85% of today’s businesses are using two or more cloud platforms, while 25% are using as many as five. 

Why public cloud migration is important, and how L&D can help

Cloud has become an integral part of modern IT infrastructure. With more than 40% of global tech and business leaders looking to increase cloud usage, L&D will play an important role in not only implementing cloud training initiatives that help close skill gaps as they emerge, but also in managing shifting operational dynamics.

Look, cloud migration is no easy feat, and with it may come a host of challenges that must be considered, such as:

  • Security breaches and loss of data
  • Varying infrastructure between systems
  • Ever-changing application landscapes with varied architectures, and more.

Ongoing cloud training can help to manage these issues, which can help to minimize risk and create cost-efficient growth tactics.

At Cloud Academy, we offer objective-driven learning that combines theory with technical knowledge and hands-on practice. We help teams master cloud skills using industry-leading technologies and major cloud platforms. And our certification learning paths are closely aligned to top cloud provider certification exams.

To learn more about how we help companies go beyond training to onboard, upskill, reskill, and retain proven tech talent through our platform, contact us.

Assessing company needs and goals

Understanding the needs of your organization, and what the business hopes to gain from the cloud is key. For instance, is the objective to migrate only certain services or data, or is the organization heading towards a total cloud transformation? Security, and change management will also be key considerations. How can you mitigate risk and minimize disruption to the business during digitalization? 

By having a clear understanding of the organization’s goals, L&D can better determine which skills are most needed to achieve them.

Know your team

Understanding the varying skill sets within a tech team is crucial when transitioning to cloud services. While cloud transformation comes with a host of benefits, including cost savings, increased agility, and improved scalability, these benefits can only be fully realized if the tech team has a solid understanding of the necessary skills and competencies required for managing cloud services.

While it may be tempting to seek out new employees to compensate for a lack of understanding in cloud infrastructure among your existing team, this strategy could prove problematic and costly. Instead, consider the advantages of training your existing team to ensure that your whole company has the same level of expertise.

Outlining these details will help to define the scope, timeline, budget, and success criteria for your migration training initiative.

Why developing a training and support plan is key

There are numerous benefits to creating a strong training and support plan when transitioning to cloud services. One of the key benefits is the reduction of downtime. By ensuring employees are properly trained, they can easily identify and resolve any issues that may arise. This reduces the amount of time spent waiting for technical support and allows the organization to remain operational, increasing overall productivity.

Focus on application

Let’s face it: technical jargon might sound good, but it won’t help your team navigate through the dynamic cloud ecosystem. It’s about understanding how to use cloud services to develop, deploy, and maintain applications effectively.

To ensure the training is impactful, consider incorporating real-life scenarios or challenges your tech team will face daily into your training. Simulations, interactive labs, and sandbox environments are fantastic tools for imparting hands-on skills. The beauty of this approach? It will enhance your team’s problem-solving skills, fostering a more agile, innovation-forward culture.

Create best practices

Creating a blueprint for your migration to the cloud can be a great way to scale, save time, and money. Your roadmap should clearly outline learning objectives, how to implement a training and support plan, track progress, and most importantly, align with your organization’s security and operational strategies.

With Cloud Academy, you can get the skills you want to fill the roles you need. Learn how our customers are using the Cloud Academy platform to build tech skills training programs that scale.

Embrace Continuous Learning

Many corporate executives acknowledge that learning is now crucial to implementing business strategy, which is a great thing considering that studies show that more than 90% of employees would stay at a company longer if the business invested in their career development.

The cloud technology landscape is not static—it evolves at breakneck speed. Therefore, the upskill or reskill journey should not be a one-and-done affair but a continuous process.

Organizations can do this by providing training, encouraging learning through collaboration and knowledge sharing, fostering a growth mindset, and establishing regular check-ins to assess the progress of employees. Additionally, Certification programs, such as those offered by Cloud Academy, can offer valuable resources for your tech team’s continued cloud education journey.

The Conclusion

The journey to the cloud is much more than a tech implementation; it’s a transformational process that requires tech teams to evolve their mindsets and knowledge base.

Professional services firms that prioritize these areas, and use thoughtful, strategic approaches to training, will be well-positioned to reap the full benefits of public cloud services. As the tech industry continues to evolve, continuous learning will be the cornerstone of success.

Wherever you are in your cloud transformation journey, Cloud Academy can help. Find out what skills you need to focus on with our insider’s guide: How to Succeed with Cloud Transformation.

The post How L&D Helps Meet Public Cloud Migration Goals appeared first on Cloud Academy.

The Tech Talent Shortage: Everything You Need to Know Wed, 07 Jun 2023 22:18:47 +0000 The rise of technology has revolutionized the way businesses operate, but this increased reliance on tech has also created a talent shortage.

The post The Tech Talent Shortage: Everything You Need to Know appeared first on Cloud Academy.

In today’s economy, technology permeates every operational aspect of modern enterprise. Businesses across all industries and specializations depend on it, amplifying the growing need for skilled professionals to construct, maintain, and protect the tech infrastructures that will power tomorrow.

But the issue at hand isn’t the rising demand for tech talent, it’s the alarming lack thereof. This dearth of skilled labor has companies scrambling to retain the tech staff they have, and hard-pressed to find people with the skills they need.

Here’s everything we’re going to cover related to the tech talent shortage:

Tech talent shortage statistics

While big-tech layoffs and hiring freezes give the appearance of a slowdown, the tech industry shows no signs of cooling. With tech job postings 25% higher than they were the previous year, the reality on the ground looks much different for tech leaders in search of skilled talent. 

In fact, a recent survey conducted by McKinsey & Company revealed that more than 44% of high-profile organizations expect the talent shortage to become even more dire in the next five years. 

From software architects to DevOps engineers, and many positions in between, the talent shortage has led to a situation where only 65 positions out of every 100 open job roles get filled. 

What are the most in-demand tech jobs?

The relentless pace of tech advances has intensified the demand for competent workers in almost all sectors. Companies struggle to secure proficient staff but usually come up short. The challenge that most businesses face is finding skilled personnel to accommodate the burgeoning technical roles that are springing up as trends and needs develop.

Here are the top five most in-demand tech jobs in 2023:

1. Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning Engineer – A.I. engineers are in high demand, with responsibilities ranging from designing and implementing machine learning algorithms to testing and validating A.I. systems. 

2. Cybersecurity Specialist – With an increasing number of cyber attacks in recent years, cybersecurity specialists have become indispensable. They play a key role in securing information systems by monitoring, detecting, investigating, analyzing, and responding to security events. 

3. Software/Application Developer – This is one of the oldest but most in-demand jobs in tech. Developers are responsible for designing, testing, and maintaining software. 

4. Cloud Architect – As more companies move their data to the cloud, there is an urgent need for skilled Cloud Architects to build and maintain cloud infrastructures. 

5. Data Scientist – As data sets grow, companies are looking to data scientists to extract value from these complex sets of data. They uncover hidden trends and patterns so companies can make more informed business decisions. These candidates are increasingly in demand.

Companies are struggling to fill these crucial roles, and most are turning to upskilling and reskilling programs to close skill gaps.  

What’s driving the tech talent shortage?

According to Gartner, businesses see the talent shortage as the biggest barrier to the adoption of nearly 64% of new technologies. This means that in most cases, IT Leaders looking to deploy new tools to boost business outcomes, can’t. 

But what’s causing this shortage?

One of the primary factors behind the tech talent shortage in the U.S. is the issue of training. Hiring managers generally craft job postings that require skills that come far-and-few-in-between, often neglecting the potential of upskilling or reskilling existing employees to fill available tech roles. 

Despite many employees remaining in their roles for long periods, their skills are based on more traditional functions. Therefore, they lack the technical expertise necessary to qualify for newer, more complex roles. This deficiency has caused a void in the industry, leaving tech positions in high demand, and skilled talent scarce in supply.

Furthermore, traditional recruiting and hiring methods may also be a contributing factor. Hiring managers may find it challenging to accurately assess a candidate’s skills in certain tech fields, resulting in underqualified or mismatched hires, leading to an increased cost for re-hiring.

How is the tech talent shortage affecting businesses?

The rise of technology has undoubtedly revolutionized the way businesses operate. However, this increased reliance on tech has also created a talent deficit in the market.

The demand for skilled tech labor is incredibly high, and competition amongst firms to acquire it is fierce. The industry has seen a redistribution of sorts, where smaller companies are scooping up skilled talent made available by recent big-tech layoffs. 

Conversely, increased hiring costs, and a plethora of options have created a struggle for start-ups and smaller companies to retain skilled tech labor, impeding innovation, and contributing to a tech turnover rate that reached 13.5% in 2023. 

Experts predict that in the US tech sector alone, the country could lose up to $162 billion in revenue amidst the current – and projected – tech talent shortage. 

How are tech companies dealing with the talent shortage?

In response to this issue, companies have implemented various strategies to attract and retain talented individuals. One approach is investing in education and training programs to nurture new talent and help legacy employees acquire essential skills.

In addition, some firms have altered their recruitment methods to focus on unconventional candidates, including people who lack a traditional college degree. 

Companies such as Apple and Google have adopted an alternative approach, seeking out self-taught programmers and coding bootcamp graduates, and individuals with high-demand certifications such as those issued by AWS or Azure.

How to solve the tech talent gap?

Training, and promoting a culture of lifelong learning are crucial to bridging the tech talent gap. Companies can facilitate this by investing in employee training and development programs. Encouraging employees to pursue continuing education and certifications through e-learning, workshops, and courses can be instrumental in upgrading skills.

Also, a more extensive recruiting and retention strategy can broaden influence and attract talent. This means organizations must find ways to offer stronger compensation and benefits, more flexible work environments, and clear upward mobility paths.

At the end of the day, company perception is everything, to attract the right talent, companies also need to have a strong brand that resonates with tech professionals. Creating a positive brand perception can attract top talent, create a competitive edge, and lead to higher retention rates.


Is there a talent shortage in tech?

Yes. Many leaders identify hitting hiring targets as one of the biggest barriers to growth. In the future, tackling the tech talent shortage will become less about hiring and retaining talent and more about understanding how to creatively mitigate the gap.

Is tech talent still in demand?

While economic concerns continue to impact the labor market, there is still a high demand for specialized tech roles such as data scientists, AI and ML engineers, and cybersecurity professionals.

Which countries have a tech talent shortage?

While the U.S. economy is leading the way – the talent deficit is expected to reach 600,000 by the year 2030 in the financial and business services sectors alone –  it is closely followed by China, Japan, Germany, and the U.K.

Contact us to learn more about how we help companies go beyond training to onboard, upskill, reskill, and retain proven tech talent through our platform.

The post The Tech Talent Shortage: Everything You Need to Know appeared first on Cloud Academy.
